Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Getting Up To Speed: First Month in My New Job

My first month in the new job is over, and I feel really good about my progress. I've had a one-on-one meeting with every single person who works for me (16 people!) at least once, and most of them I've sat down with more than that. If you'll remember from the last post I wrote about my new gig, I'm working to learn the People, Process, and Projects. As a way to get to know my people, I asked everybody the exact same questions to start with. Thought I'd share them along with some of my reason for asking each question.

Personal & Professional Questions (these were mostly about breaking the ice and getting to know each other):
  1. How long have you worked at this school?
  2. How long in your current role? (Lots of promotion from within.)
  3. Are you from the area? If not, where are you from originally?
  4. What’s your favorite local restaurant? (Purely selfish on my part!)
  5. How often do you want to hear from me as a group? (Gave me an opportunity to learn about my predecessor's style while also talking about my communication style. Also talked about meetings vs. emails.)
  6. How often do you want to meet with me?
College & Library Questions (They've worked here a lot longer than I have and know the institution better. Also, this gave me an opportunity to figure out staff fears and hopes):

  1. What are the biggest challenges the organization* is facing (or will face in the near future)
  2. Why is the organization* facing (or going to face) these challenges?
  3. What are the most promising opportunities**?
  4. What would need to happen for us to follow up on these opportunities**?
  5. If you were me, on what would you focus your attention?
*In this context, organization can mean everything from your particular part of the library all the way up to GCC in general, but I’m more interested in at the library level or below.

**Here, “opportunities” means anything that could enhance student, faculty, or staff experiences in and with the library. This could include things that would make your job easier or smoother.

I've also had follow up meetings with a good chunk of the staff about their specific job duties, college policies and procedures, and the my questions from walking around and reading as much as I've been able to read so far.

I still have more questions than answers. I still have so much more to learn. Truth is, though, that my learning will be a never-ending story. I was still learning things about my last job up until the very end. But getting past the steepest part of the learning curve is, and will be for the foreseeable future, my top priority.

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